Friday 3 October 2014

First week of lectures

Well, the first week of lectures is now over and it didn't go too badly. It was mostly introductory lectures so that wasn't too bad, not a great deal of things to write and learn so that's nice. I also had my first proper lacrosse training which was interesting to say the least.

I wasn't so surprised at the fact that the lectures haven't been particularly intense but the introductory portions have been a lot shorter this year than they were last year, which isn't a bad thing. The topics so far have been fairly light but I can see EU Law and Public law developing into slightly heavier topics, with comparative public law presumably doing the same thing. German has been mostly simple things but the translation class was surprisingly difficult considering we were translating Children's literature.

A goal similar to the one I hit
Lacrosse hurt. Not as much as I was expecting, there weren't any crunching tackles or anything like that. However I did get pushed over and ended up sliding into the metal five-a-side goal that was on the side of the pitch, which hurt a little bit, but I seem to have come away without bruises which is a plus. I'm beginning to get less surprised by the fact that I caught a ball now which is good because it means that I'm able to think about other things too, instead of catching the ball and panicking about what to do with it. 

This weekend my parents are visiting which should be nice. Not just because I'll be able to see them but because they are likely to buy me a week's worth of shopping at least so that saves me money there. Just what I need as student life is really draining my bank account! I also have a job interview later today for a local mobile phone store so we'll have to see how that goes! Anyway, time to get ready for my final lecture of the day!

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