Friday 10 October 2014

More Cancelled Lectures and Work

Well, it's the end of another week and I've had most of today off due to three of the four lectures I should have had today being cancelled. Thankfully, in some ways at least, I have had some work to do, just a bit of German homework but it's better than having nothing at all to do all day I guess.

Lacrosse was a bit less intense than I had expected last night, after last week especially. For some reason I'm not aching anywhere near as much as I was after last week though I was completely wiped out after training. I had some difficulty getting up this morning for my 9am lecture, which was annoyingly the only one not to get cancelled, I could have used the lie in to be honest. I rediscovered how uncomfortable gum-shields are last night too. I hate how they make you feel as if you are going to be sick every now and then, it's not a great feeling while running. I also haven't got used to talking with one in which could make for some very interesting calls during games.

I also discovered that I'm one of the quickest people in the team which is something, considering I'm one of the smallest too, so I guess I'll have to try and use that to my advantage and dodge more tackles than anything else. I wasn't too bad when competing on the ground though so I could probably hold my own against some people of a slightly larger build I reckon...

I'm really enjoying Lacrosse so far. It's been fun to learn a new sport completely from scratch and it wasn't so hard to pick up the basics, it'll be interesting to see how they translate into a game situation like the one we have on Wednesday. That should be interesting...

Now for a nice relaxing weekend of reading and German translation before my one year anniversary with my girlfriend on Monday and then her birthday on Wednesday. A busy couple of days at the beginning of next week so hopefully I can get some stuff done this weekend. Wish me luck!

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