Friday 10 October 2014

More Cancelled Lectures and Work

Well, it's the end of another week and I've had most of today off due to three of the four lectures I should have had today being cancelled. Thankfully, in some ways at least, I have had some work to do, just a bit of German homework but it's better than having nothing at all to do all day I guess.

Lacrosse was a bit less intense than I had expected last night, after last week especially. For some reason I'm not aching anywhere near as much as I was after last week though I was completely wiped out after training. I had some difficulty getting up this morning for my 9am lecture, which was annoyingly the only one not to get cancelled, I could have used the lie in to be honest. I rediscovered how uncomfortable gum-shields are last night too. I hate how they make you feel as if you are going to be sick every now and then, it's not a great feeling while running. I also haven't got used to talking with one in which could make for some very interesting calls during games.

I also discovered that I'm one of the quickest people in the team which is something, considering I'm one of the smallest too, so I guess I'll have to try and use that to my advantage and dodge more tackles than anything else. I wasn't too bad when competing on the ground though so I could probably hold my own against some people of a slightly larger build I reckon...

I'm really enjoying Lacrosse so far. It's been fun to learn a new sport completely from scratch and it wasn't so hard to pick up the basics, it'll be interesting to see how they translate into a game situation like the one we have on Wednesday. That should be interesting...

Now for a nice relaxing weekend of reading and German translation before my one year anniversary with my girlfriend on Monday and then her birthday on Wednesday. A busy couple of days at the beginning of next week so hopefully I can get some stuff done this weekend. Wish me luck!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Currywurst, Reading and Grammar

Well the weekend has ended, and lectures have restarted again. I thankfully had my 5pm cancelled which was nice, it gave me the chance to get some washing done and to cook some Currywurst from scratch which was interesting... I had never made a sauce from scratch before but it was surprisingly easy and tasted really nice, so all in all a success I think.

The first two lectures of the week were some of the most boring lectures I've had since coming to uni. IT was two hours back to back of the lecturer reading exactly what was on the powerpoint and then repeating it in slightly different words which is just as exciting as it sounds. The next lecture was german grammar which actually wasn't that bad, I've never liked grammar lessons but this one was actually reasonably enjoyable, which is something I never thought I'd say.

I spent the rest of the day putting my washing on and looking for my housemate's room key which still hasn't turned up. The weird thing is that she seemed more distraught that the watermelon key-topper had been lost than she was that the key was missing... Some peoples priorities are odd. It still hasn't turned up so in the meantime she is using the landlady's spare key. 

I spent this morning reading about domain name ownership, cybersquatting and copyright infringements online and how they are dealt with and regulated. This is an area of the law that I am quite interested in and am enjoying reading about. This reading was done so that I could put it on the online discussion board that we have within the university network which I hadn't realised was open until I got an e-mail this morning so that was a nice thing to wake up to! 

I have another three lectures today before a day off tomorrow with some more lacrosse training which  should be good fun. I am also going for a meal for a friends birthday this evening so that'll be nice. Anyway, I'd better get ready for those lectures, lunch time I think!

Friday 3 October 2014

First week of lectures

Well, the first week of lectures is now over and it didn't go too badly. It was mostly introductory lectures so that wasn't too bad, not a great deal of things to write and learn so that's nice. I also had my first proper lacrosse training which was interesting to say the least.

I wasn't so surprised at the fact that the lectures haven't been particularly intense but the introductory portions have been a lot shorter this year than they were last year, which isn't a bad thing. The topics so far have been fairly light but I can see EU Law and Public law developing into slightly heavier topics, with comparative public law presumably doing the same thing. German has been mostly simple things but the translation class was surprisingly difficult considering we were translating Children's literature.

A goal similar to the one I hit
Lacrosse hurt. Not as much as I was expecting, there weren't any crunching tackles or anything like that. However I did get pushed over and ended up sliding into the metal five-a-side goal that was on the side of the pitch, which hurt a little bit, but I seem to have come away without bruises which is a plus. I'm beginning to get less surprised by the fact that I caught a ball now which is good because it means that I'm able to think about other things too, instead of catching the ball and panicking about what to do with it. 

This weekend my parents are visiting which should be nice. Not just because I'll be able to see them but because they are likely to buy me a week's worth of shopping at least so that saves me money there. Just what I need as student life is really draining my bank account! I also have a job interview later today for a local mobile phone store so we'll have to see how that goes! Anyway, time to get ready for my final lecture of the day!