Wednesday 13 May 2015

Exam time

It's that time of year again. Exam time is once again upon us. Tonight is the eve of my first of three exams this month, well I say that but they'll all be over a week Saturday! Weeks of Lectures, hours upon hours of revision, all leading to this two week period.

To be honest, I'm more than a little bit nervous. I don't know why but this time round nerves have actually started to set in before the hour or so prior to the exam. Maybe it's because these exams mean more than all the others that have come before, last year's exams had no impact on my degree classification, I could scrape a pass and still get into second year. However, this time a mark of 40 just won't do. I need to be hitting
60+ on each exam if I want to have any chance of getting a job as a solicitor when I graduate. Frustratingly, after all of the work I've done, I'm still worried that my mark could vary heavily depending on what questions I get in the exam, there are areas of my public law module, which is the exam I have tomorrow afternoon, that I am very comfortable with. But there are other areas where I am slightly less confident.

Another thing I have found difficult is revising for two information heavy exams, Public Law and European Law, so close to each other and then being given an entire week's gap to revise for the next one, Introduction to civil law, which not only seems to be less content heavy is worth only a third of what either of the other exams are worth. This has led me to have to balance revision for these first two exams and ignore the third completely so far, but that will of course have to change as soon as I have finished the second exam.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to power through with the promise of a Summer working in Berlin awaiting me at the end of it all, before moving on to Heidelberg where I'll be studying next year. Wish me luck!