Wednesday 30 April 2014

Revision, revision, revision...

The University and High School exam period here in Britain is drawing near and has already started for some students, not me, I still have a week to prepare. This is a very good thing as I definitely don't feel ready at the moment and I know that I do have issues with motivation and always have done even though I have always really wanted to pass my exams and move on to the next stage of my life, hopefully one day leading to becoming a solicitor if all goes well. However i don't see this happening if I continue as I am.

I'm partially writing this blog so that I can evaluate myself and realise where I'm going wrong or what I can improve upon. I'm also writing this in case there are others out there who are like me, who either are currently struggling with smiler issues or used to and have found a way around it (if you do please send me a message or something).

I'm studying Law with German and I've started to find that making post it notes of german words and putting them around my room has helped me to learn these words and their meanings reasonably quickly and with minimum effort, I'm annoyed I didn't think of actually doing this despite recommendations earlier. However, I have an issue with the law side of things. The amount of cases that I have to learn and be able to use to reinforce and argument is frustratingly big. I have a most of the key cases memorised but it's the more obscure ones that I feel will probably allow me to push an argument firmly in the right direction to enable me to get the higher marks.

A lot of people keep telling me that it's only a month of hard work and then I can relax. For some reason this doesn't fill me with any comfort. It just points out that I have an entire month of being stressed and generally unhappy, which makes me feel a bit crappy to be honest. I seem to have a tendency to try and avoid situations where I'm likely to not feel to great which is probably the main problem that I have. 

Anyway, that's probably enough for this post, I've had my period of public(-ish) self-evaluation and I feel a bit better although also slightly daunted as I have also realised now the gravity of the situation. Here we go...